flow massage therapy

Womb & Preconception Massage


what is it?

This is a fusion of bodywork techniques drawn from many traditional cultures. Using nourishing non-invasive massage techniques specifically for women performed on the lower back (sacrum) and abdomen. It helps reconnect woman to their womb and body in a safe relaxing environment. 

what to expect

On your initial appointment we will go over your womb health form and general client form – checking on your health history and for any contraindications and any goals for the session. The appointment will involve gentle massage techniques on the back and abdomen as well as holistic pulsing, acupressure release points, rebozo wrapping and guided visualisations – if requested. When we work on the abdomen I will work a couple of centremetres above the pelvic bone and above to the sternum.

what is a rebozo?

The Rebozo is a traditional shawl worn and used by Mexican women. Traditional Mexican midwives use the Rebozo to do the manteada, a rocking technique. The Rebozo massage is very relaxing, it balances and relaxes the pelvis, lower back, womb and ligaments; allowing more room for the womb to settle into her rightful place.

Rebozos are also used in the ‘closing of the bones’ ceremony which is a traditional ceremony used in central and south America to support post-natal recovery.


There are many benefits to receiving this massage, it is a deeply relaxing and nourishing treatment that helps encourage circulation in the digestive, immune and reproductive systems. This promotes the removal of toxins and wastes – aiding detoxification and encouraging blood and lymph flow to this area. It helps to break down adhesions and fascia which also aid to increase healthy function to these systems. Most woman notice positive change with their cycles after this massage and a decrease in pain and cramps. It can be performed any time up until ovulation or egg implantation (if receiving IVF) when the intention is to conceive. Womb massage is also very beneficial for woman who have had a hysterectomy – any time a year after surgery.

Peri-menopausal and menopause

Womb massage can also be benefical in reducing some of the many symptoms associated at this important transitional time of a womans life as well as provide personal time out to relax and recentre.